Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sneezing.  Oh how this can be fun.  Usually sneezing is tied to being sick, which in most circumstances is the case.  But there is one thing that I have found to be certain, I like sneezing.  It feel relieved and almost 110% better once I've sneezed.

Here's the thing with sneezing.  For some reason in our culture it has become customary to cover our mouths when we sneeze.  I'm no doctor, and so what I'm about to say may appear to be duncical, and probably is, but I'm gonna say it anyways.  If the body is sneezing it has to be for a reason.  Sudden exposure to bright light causes us to sneeze, foreign particles irritating the nose will do this as well.  Sneezing has also been tied to viral infections.  

So here is my problem with covering my mouth and or nose when I sneeze.  My body wants to get rid of the germs and particles. Why on earth would I cover my mouth with my hand so that all those germs go onto my hand and therefore remain on my body that so desperately wants to be rid of them??  I know, I know, other people don't want to get my germs which is more than understandable and respectable.  But hey, when I have to sneeze, I don't turn to the person closest to me and sneeze in their face.  That's just rude!  I do however turn away from the group and point my nose, and at the same time my mouth towards the ground and send those foreign particles and germs packing to the hard surface below.  That's where they belong!  I hope they die too, never to return to infect my body.

So what's your take on sneezing?  Do you cover you mouth when sneezing?  I know that most people do.  You will more than likely never see me do it, unless I'm in a crowded area in which case I would sneeze into my hands.  But I am not in crowded places too often.  Don't like crowds.  But that's a duncical thought for another day :)


  1. i don't agree since you have the most powerful projectial sneezes i have ever heard. you could blow our 100 candles with that blow. I would like you to sneeze only outside where it can't touch me.

  2. Note to self: Dont sit in front of Tyler any more at work.

    P.S. GROSS!


  3. Hey Tyler, I left a comment yesterday and it did not show up, I am leaving one again. It is great that you have a blog once again. I will visit it often. This topic is nothing to sneeze at!!!!! Bad pun I know.
