Tuesday, May 26, 2009

10 purses + 10 purses = ?

My wife and I were chatting recently about things we are looking to purchase in the near future.  There exists two groups of items that I believe is commonly used in most relationships.  These groups are the things we need and the things we want.  I believe its fair to say that both my wife and I tend to fuse these two groups into one super group called "the stuff we will buy regardless of which group they belonged in before" ... we're working on it :(

So, we have decided to look for a cheap used iPod for my wife to use while she is at work.  We have an old one right now that is on its last fuse and have found one I'm fairly certain we will purchase.  This sort of purchase is not a necessity, but it is something fun that I get excited about.

I told my wife I was ok with the purchase to which she began to speak of a purse she wants to buy.  Like most females, she is infatuated with purses.  She says she wants at least twenty but I could sware she has more than that now.   She began to tell me that I should get excited about things she liked and not just about things I found relevant.  Fair enough I thought so I sent her the following equations"

1broke iPod + 1 good iPod = fair amount of iPods

10 purses + 10 more purses = exceeded amount of necessary purses before equation took place.

She then called my equations silly ;)  They are, but I believe they are fair.  I wish I could have tons of iPods.  There exists different makes and models.  But one is enough.  Does everything I need it to do.  One iPod will do everything she needs it to do as well.  One would think that one good purse would be sufficient as well.  Here's a secret ... it's NOT! "What?". you say.  Yep, its true, something about sizes and colors and how they go with their outfits. Blah!

I could get lost in her purse collection and die of the dehydration before anyone could find me.  Note to self..."Toss dog into purse pile." :) Maybe there is a good use for all of those purses after all.


  1. OKAY OKAY! I have a total of 6 purses! 6! Not 20.
    coach blue
    brown coach fake
    clutch coach
    purple bag
    black bag
    red prada fake
    not enough to drown in mister tyler!

  2. I can hardly stop laughing, my crutch is not purses, mine is shoes, just ask your Dad!!!! I would not want to be without my IPod now that I have one, it is great. I also can not be with out a good purse.
    Love ya, Mom

  3. You do NOT want to see my purse collection....
