Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hair on the Face... Why???

It's been over a month, I'll admit I'm a little slow at coming up with interesting and/or stupid things to write about so if the following is just flat out boring or retarded then I've done my job. Seriously, no need to argue, read the blog title.

Facial hair.... this stuff is my bane. I hate it. But if you've ever met me in last 5 years you will have probably noticed that I have had facial hair on my face. You might ask is there anything more duncical or hypocritical then that. My answer to that question is obivously yes, being that the topic of this post is quite meaningless, but I digress. Facial hair is my bane.

This stuff grows on my face believe it or not. In my younger youth I thought facial hair was the coolest thing ever. In high school I sported some mad chops, back off, it was the style. I couldn't wait for the day that I could grow a full beard. Well, I'm almost 27 years old and I'm still waiting for that that day to come. My 5 o'clock shadow is pretty impressive, but as the hair grows the sparseness shows. Huh, that ryhmed.

So now I've got a face that's full of long sparse hair. It doesn't look cool, trust me. So the next question comes to mind. Why don't I shave it? Solid question it is. Problem is I don't like to shave. And it's not just because I'm lazy but because I have super sensitive skin and I get major skin rash whenever I shave consistently.

So I am torn. I hate facial hair, but my fave hurts whenever I shave. Don't know what the answer is here, but my conclusion is that facial hair is nothing but a nuisance.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

10 purses + 10 purses = ?

My wife and I were chatting recently about things we are looking to purchase in the near future.  There exists two groups of items that I believe is commonly used in most relationships.  These groups are the things we need and the things we want.  I believe its fair to say that both my wife and I tend to fuse these two groups into one super group called "the stuff we will buy regardless of which group they belonged in before" ... we're working on it :(

So, we have decided to look for a cheap used iPod for my wife to use while she is at work.  We have an old one right now that is on its last fuse and have found one I'm fairly certain we will purchase.  This sort of purchase is not a necessity, but it is something fun that I get excited about.

I told my wife I was ok with the purchase to which she began to speak of a purse she wants to buy.  Like most females, she is infatuated with purses.  She says she wants at least twenty but I could sware she has more than that now.   She began to tell me that I should get excited about things she liked and not just about things I found relevant.  Fair enough I thought so I sent her the following equations"

1broke iPod + 1 good iPod = fair amount of iPods

10 purses + 10 more purses = exceeded amount of necessary purses before equation took place.

She then called my equations silly ;)  They are, but I believe they are fair.  I wish I could have tons of iPods.  There exists different makes and models.  But one is enough.  Does everything I need it to do.  One iPod will do everything she needs it to do as well.  One would think that one good purse would be sufficient as well.  Here's a secret ... it's NOT! "What?". you say.  Yep, its true, something about sizes and colors and how they go with their outfits. Blah!

I could get lost in her purse collection and die of the dehydration before anyone could find me.  Note to self..."Toss dog into purse pile." :) Maybe there is a good use for all of those purses after all.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Living Dead

Zombies.  Who would really want to encounter a bunch of these guys?  I mean, apart from the horrible smell, these guys have one thing on their brains and that's eating ours.

I don't understand the whole living dead thing.  Seems like an oxymoron to me.  But hey, whatever!

Seriously though, if you see a group of zombies coming at you, the thought of fleeing might be beneficial.  That is unless the leader of the zombies is Michael Jackson, in which case a more appropriate response would be to break out your best Thriller dance and kick it with the rest of of those dancing freaks.

The closest I've come to a zombie encounter is blowing their brains out in the video games.  It's fun and I feel in the real event, guilt for killing a dead person won't feel the same as killing a live person.  But then again I wouldn't know how to judge the two since I've never killed a live person.

What if real zombies didn't eat brains?  What if they were semi-docile and normal?  What if we have been misinterpreting their desire for brains with really just wanting a hug.  Ding!  That's it, I bet zombies are just those people who in their alive life weren't loved enough.  They just need a hug.  I be the solution to the zombie invasion is to just show them a little love.  So, the next time you see a zombie, or a pack of em, take the time to give em a hug.  I wouldn't kiss em though.  Blah!  Zombie mouth has to be pretty disgusting.  Who knows where that zombie mouth has been.

Ok, so here's a secret, this is just a theory.  I don't actually know if hugging a zombie will help.  I don't think I'm even willing to try it, but if one of you just happens to be brave enough to hug a zombie and live, let me know if my theory was true.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sneezing.  Oh how this can be fun.  Usually sneezing is tied to being sick, which in most circumstances is the case.  But there is one thing that I have found to be certain, I like sneezing.  It feel relieved and almost 110% better once I've sneezed.

Here's the thing with sneezing.  For some reason in our culture it has become customary to cover our mouths when we sneeze.  I'm no doctor, and so what I'm about to say may appear to be duncical, and probably is, but I'm gonna say it anyways.  If the body is sneezing it has to be for a reason.  Sudden exposure to bright light causes us to sneeze, foreign particles irritating the nose will do this as well.  Sneezing has also been tied to viral infections.  

So here is my problem with covering my mouth and or nose when I sneeze.  My body wants to get rid of the germs and particles. Why on earth would I cover my mouth with my hand so that all those germs go onto my hand and therefore remain on my body that so desperately wants to be rid of them??  I know, I know, other people don't want to get my germs which is more than understandable and respectable.  But hey, when I have to sneeze, I don't turn to the person closest to me and sneeze in their face.  That's just rude!  I do however turn away from the group and point my nose, and at the same time my mouth towards the ground and send those foreign particles and germs packing to the hard surface below.  That's where they belong!  I hope they die too, never to return to infect my body.

So what's your take on sneezing?  Do you cover you mouth when sneezing?  I know that most people do.  You will more than likely never see me do it, unless I'm in a crowded area in which case I would sneeze into my hands.  But I am not in crowded places too often.  Don't like crowds.  But that's a duncical thought for another day :)